The best prices for car rental in Praia

We compare the prices from local car hire companies

Why book with us

Free cancellation

Cancel up to 24h before pick-up and get a full refund. No questions asked.

Rent the perfect car

Choose from all car types including Economy, Family Cars, Vans or Scooters.

Support local businesses

Our partners are local car rental companies, most of them family owned and managed.

What our Customers say

Rent a car in Praia

Welcome to Praia, the vibrant capital city of Santiago in Cabo Verde. Expect a rich cultural heritage and captivating sights.

Start your exploration by visiting the historic center of Praia, known as Plateau, where you can admire the colonial architecture, visit the Presidential Palace, and browse the local markets. Don't miss the opportunity to taste traditional Cape Verdean cuisine at one of the many local restaurants.

Spend a relaxing day at one of the beautiful beaches near Praia, such as Quebra Canela or Prainha, where you can soak up the sun and enjoy the crystal-clear waters.

To fully experience the beauty of Santiago, consider renting a car from our reliable local partners. With a car, you can explore the island beyond Praia and discover the natural wonders of the island, including the stunning Serra Malagueta mountain range and the beautiful town of Cidade Velha.

Our partners in Santiago are mostly located in Praia city center and do pick-ups and returns at the airport and at the ferry terminal of Praia.